quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011

versos de amor
(poema traduzido de Richard Brautigan)

nada como
acordar ao amanhecer
completamente sozinho
sem ter que dizer pra alguem
eu te amo
quando na verdade
ja deixei de amar

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

Waiting for Godot, something, anything.

christmas came just like that, one day
was wednesday and someone said, hey,
christmas is next saturday, this saturday-

and it was christmas, just like that.
Hank could not help thinking about war,
the end of the world, that something would
have to change. he was back to not having
internet anymore, and he felt like shit because
he really cared.

that either meant tv or silence,
and both meant thinking a great deal which meant
not having that pressure eased.

he tried parties and drinks, people,
loud talk and music, black expensive whisky
and the smell of perfume in smooth hair,
hours drowned in an oak cask of smoke.

the days afterwards were there to
remind him that he still had bills to pay,
and Hank walked all the way to the post
office eventhough he knew it would be closed,
as it was, just like the bank was too.

allright, nothing will get done today, again,
he thought. He crossed the street and walked into
the store and asked to use the computer. as he sat down,
he stared at the screen and saw a picture hanging
on the red wall behind.

it was the most glorious orange sunset
and it had the word dreams written in golden letters.
Hank felt like the little boy in Bukowski's poem,
staring at the ocean through the train window
and telling the old man beside him
that what he was looking at
just wasn't any beautiful.

segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011

Like fleas in a dog's ass

But didn't that old bloke die?
I heard he died last year,
got buried in the middle of
the fucking desert,
he says
looking at the man who spent
half his natural life in a jail cell;

Look buddy, the same man,
charged and locked up for murder, now in parole,
we all gonna die,
you just wait long enough
and you will too.

quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

But it was not in the news

these were days when people
could hardly see any future;
they would walk the streets pretending
that they too, would live forever
and that each and every day did not matter.

these were times when people talked about
the end of the world, about we all living the eve
of a third world war; humanity against a button,
heart against clouds of radioactive smoke,
flesh, blood spilled against solid steel.

but no one wants to hear that; it is christmas time
while troops of soldiers are flying to Iran
and a gunman hits six on the spot, 129 wounded
in the city centre of Brussels; death and war all
over the world, I hear a friend read from his phone.

these were times when people thought about
giving all up and running away, but it seems like
they could not, they could not remember
where it all went wrong, they could not let all
these great new things go; and so they stayed, believing that
in the worst case money would have to save.

but it did not, and out in the streets
all we could see was desert, the sun shining over
an immensity of dead land; you could hear the sound of fire
and the cracking of explosions
and somewhere in the distance
you would see men fighting each other with stones and sticks,
like Einstein predicted,
and eventually killing with their bare hands.

there's always tomorrow, I remember they used to say,
hoping that time too, would have a stop, like
business and money, like the movement
in all the fish and chips shops, the old Chinese women
trying to smile the fear of poverty and misery away.

domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011

Lösch mir die Augen aus...

"halt mir das Herz zu, und mein Hirn wird schlagen,
und wirfst du in mein Hirn den Brand,
so werd ich dich auf meinem Blute tragen."

-Rainer Maria Rilke

the sounds of the night speak
for those who can no longer be heard.
police-car sirens mixed with shaking leaves,
the voice of the wind to say that god ain't dead.

yes, we see darkness ahead
and yet there's hope in the only thing that bears,
not buildings, radio waves and engines
but the only thing that carries
that only thing that lasts forever.

that we may live in god and that god
may find rest inside us
after so many rainy days. what Rilke knew was to come,
the struggle, the constant strive we would all live
in the search for that something more,
that love for an abandoned world.

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

“Extinguish my eyes, I'll go on seeing you.
Seal my ears, I'll go on hearing you.
And without feet I can make my way to you,
without a mouth I can swear your name.

Break off my arms, I'll take hold of you
with my heart as with a hand.
Stop my heart, and my brain will start to beat.
And if you consume my brain with fire,
I'll feel you burn in every drop of my blood.”

Extingue meus olhos, eu continuarei te vendo.
Sela meus ouvidos, eu seguirei te escutando.
E ainda que sem os pés, te alcanço
e mesmo sem boca hei-de jurar teu nome.

Arranque meus braços, eu seguirei te apertando
de coração como a própria mão.
Pare o peito, e o cérebro começará a bater.
E quando consumires minha mente no fogo
te sentirei queimando em cada gota de sangue.

-Rainer Maria Rilke

domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

The Fixer
(to Malamud)

the rain fell for days with no end to them.
the sky turned grey, the clouds gathered
and then the sky turned a heavy blue, opening
as the clouds moved away.

I cannot remember having dreams lately
as I stare through the balcony door
at all the brick wall buildings surrounding,
the trees shaking among blasts of wind.

a motionless fan stares at me dead
and the only sound to be heard comes not
from the voiceless monday afternoon
but from cries
and the strike of the wings from the magpies.

books are spread all over the coffee table,
facing down, witnesses to years of silence,
an old stained half empty water bottle
and a crowded ashtray.

there's still time for greatness
and still time for a taste of triumphant glory;
time to live and be able to sing free, not for
money or fame, nor for any power.

just the bliss that is the rain falling
at 1:56pm right on top of the chair, now soaking wet,
and the knowing that time too has an end
when one ceases the yearning to be led.

a cara de um candidato político em um outdoor
(tradução de poema de Charles Bukowski,
"face of a political candidate on a street billboard")

lá está ele:
sem muitas ressacas
sem muitas brigas com mulheres
sem muitos pneus furados
nunca um pensamento sequer sobre suicídio

não mais de três dores de dente
nunca perdeu uma refeição
nunca foi pra cadeia
nunca amou

7 pares de sapatos

um filho na faculdade

um carro zero

apólices de seguro

a grama verde no jardim

latas de lixo com tampas que fecham

ele será eleito.
The Drill
by Charles Bukowski
(tradução minha)

nosso livro de casamento,
folheio as páginas.
durou dez anos.
foram jovens, um dia.
hoje durmo na cama dela.
ele telefona pra ela:
"quero a minha furadeira de volta.
fique com ela pronta.
passo pra pegar as crianças às
quando ele chega, espera do lado
de fora da porta.
as crianças vão embora com
ela volta pra cama
e eu estico uma perna
e a coloco sobre a dela.
também fui jovem um dia.
relações humanas simplesmente não 
penso nas mulheres
da minha vida.
elas nem parecem existir.

"ele pegou a furadeira dele?" pergunto.

"sim, pegou."

e me pergunto se um dia terei que voltar
pra pegar minha bermuda
e meu álbum de música
da The Academy of St.Martin in the
Fields? acho que

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011


Out of nothingness, walking the thin line between
sleeping and dying. Out of the void to the free fall,
head disquietly shaking, face rubbing against the pillow,
mouth open gasping for any air left. Running saliva,
warm and wet, touching while sliding through the pillowcase,
the bitter taste of smoke.

On the rooftops of the neighboring houses
the crows scream like children being tortured to death; it is horrible,
and it wakes one into a life of horror, for that second believing
a nightmare to be just true. As reality sinks down I somehow
manage to stand up and put myself together again. Good morning,
I look at the clock, a life of its own, beating away, and it tells me it is 7.35am.

As I walk out of the bedroom I look for a stone
but end up being satisfied with a baseball I see on the table. I grab it,
my back turned to the balcony, still nothing but the sound
of crows screaming like crazy monkeys going mad; so I throw the baseball at them,
and watch as they fly away through the trees and into the sky, screaming further,
three big black birds; all right now, I think, now I can make some coffee.

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011

pedido de desculpas

e se o tempo não foi dividido e o agora
e o passado se encontrassem no amanhã
o futuro contido no que já passou
e se o tempo fosse todo o mesmo
para sempre presente
seria o tempo todo irrecuperável
o que poderia ter sido não passa de abstração
uma eterna promessa de possível
um mundo inteiro de especulação
o que poderia ter sido e o que de fato foi
não anuncia final algum
o que é portanto sempre presente
o som do toque dos passos ecoa na lembrança
por entre os caminhos que não tomamos
em direção à portas que nunca abrimos
como palavras na cabeça de alguém.

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

Open House
(poema traduzido de Theodore Roethke)

Meus segredos lamentam-se gritando.
Não tenho necessidade de fala.
Meu coração mantém-se abrindo,
Minha porta escancarada.
Um épico do olhar
Meu amor, sem disfarçar.

Minhas verdades todas descobertas,
Essa angústia que revela a si mesma.
Estou exposto até os ossos,
Com desnudo como escudo.
Meu ser é o que visto:
Mantenho o espírito omisso.

A raiva há de resistir,
O dever há de a verdade dizer
Em linguagem firme e pura.
Eu interrompo a boca que mente:
O ódio urra a mais límpida melodia
Do sem-sentido da agonia.

segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

I too search for lost time, he thought. Just like the book.
But the title isn't mine, nor the words for that matter.
And it's the way it goes, thinking, pondering on whether
I should give in, the writer I've never been,
the one and only story that does never come to life.
Half the time, and the clock still tickin' away, bit by bit.
Something honest that could bring hope to where there's none.
Just write 'bout what you know, keep it simple, and don't ever forget
that glory lives in every heart that does not deny it being there.
How simple could it be, to just be able to believe, in something, anything at all.
I got god with me somewhere, nights ago that turned years, corners
of doomed streets back when I heard, when I found out
it just wasn't up to me, or you, or anyone anymore.
Don't you worry now, 'cause it is still hard to hold one to that one belief,
that one single thing that keeps you glued to the platform, as
in Sunset Limited . I never read the bible. I should.
I just can't help it - Chekhov, Kafka, Cormac, the feeling of pressure
buildin' up as another year goes by, another name in another book,
someone else to somehow tell me I can, but somehow I won't,
somewhere in my head telling me it will never be.
But it didn't go on rainin' after almost a week, last week.
How long can it last, this idea that it does never have to be more than it is,
that it shouldn't ever be more, never money, never the cover of magazines.
How long can one survive on that, on silence, on the aloneness of never restin' sure.
Conrad, am I ever going to write something like Heart of Darkness ?
Good god, please don't tell me, I would not be able to take this no.
The one belief, indestructible at first glance, maybe frail or even broken tomorrow-
but to live for that everlasting instant, that holding that something for a second,
life itself, the end of me at last, of asking and wondering, of not wanting not knowing.
I look for and end where there's none. No way to finish but to go on. No other
issues to deal with, really, but Life and Death.

Soneto ao Sunset Limited

de que vale todo o saber,
tantos livros, palavras ou um verso verdadeiro
se nada te traz a fé de poder manter
presos os pés, ao chão do desfiladeiro.

tanta busca por algo concreto
e esse anseio por qualquer resposta
terminou por deixar sem teto
quem já nem tinha encosta.

e as cousas aquelas em que acreditava
assim aos poucos perderam tom, perderam cor,
e até as cousas que mais amava
ganharam traços de dor.

e que aquele que sem nada, algum sentindo viu no sofrimento,
te faça esquecer a hora do trem, e também seus trilhos testamento.

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

At rawson place

It is strange how a simple kiss,
even the sight of the kiss only, for that matter,
like a moment's silence when one's unable
to say a word, a whisper, shut; for evermore
lost inside, within - can arise a vision to the mind
of plain cold suicide; a glass of old kentucky
bourbon and a shot, a bullet put dead center
between the eyes.

domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

In the lane where the rats go by

Is it still not time to
find peace amongst torned yellowed pages,
some sort of asylum in between depths of ink ?
The blackness of letters pressed against the paper in
mournfull imprisonment.
Not money, and no such thing as a car or a big house
can ever hold this world together.
The inner world
collapsing, the madness of that crossed vision,
the eyes searching for nowhere.
The outter world just goes on, the sun
coming out today after the rain, free
as we should be.
no coração da escuridão
(tradução livre de trechos de Heart of Darkness,
de Joseph Conrad)

"As luzes dos navios se moviam no horizonte enquanto para além do oeste a monstruosa cidade permanecia estendida sobre o céu, um leve breu no brilho do sol, o olhar ofuscante das estrelas.
A mente humana é capaz de tudo - pois tudo é contido nela, todo o passado assim como todo o futuro. O que restou depois, no fim? Alegria, medo, miséria, entrega, valor, raiva - quem pode dizer? - Mas a verdade - a verdade nua, despida da capa do tempo. Deixe que o tolo trema - o homem sabe, e segue olhando sem jamais piscar. E é preciso que encontre aquela verdade com a sua própria forma - a própria força com que nasceu. Princípios? Princípios não serão o bastante. Aquisições, roupas, panos bonitos - panos que voariam ao primeiro balanço do vento. Não; algo mais é preciso, uma crença de total consciência.
Eu não gosto de trabalho - homem nenhum gosta - mas gosto do que há nele - a chance de encontrar a sí próprio. Sua própria realidade - para sí mesmo, não para outros - o que outro homem nenhum jamais saberá.
Além da cerca jazia a floresta, imperturbável à luz da lua, e através da neblina, por entre ruídos do pátio em lamento, o silêncio da terra encontrando refúgio no peito de cada um - seus mistérios, sua imensidão, a realidade absurda de toda a vida alí contida.
Então ocorreu-me que tanto discurso quanto silêncio, ou até mesmo qualquer tentativa de ação, seria mera futilidade. Não há medo que tolere a fome, nem paciência que a canse e, onde há fome, desgosto nenhum é capaz de existir; quanto a superstições, crenças, ou o que alguns chamam de princípios, são nada mais que um grão de trigo na brisa.
É impossível absorver de todo a sensação de vida de uma época qualquer da existência de alguém - aquilo que a torna verdade, o sentido - a sútil e última essência. É impossível. Vivemos, como sonhamos - sozinhos...
Coisa curiosa é a vida - esse misterioso arranjo de uma lógica sem misericórdia e de propósito absurdo. A ambição máxima a se esperar, algum conhecimento de sí mesmo - que vem tarde demais - uma fonte de infinitos arrependimentos. Eu lutei contra a morte. É o mais sem graça dos combates. Ocorre em um local de um cinza impalpável, nada abaixo dos pés, nada ao redor, nenhum espectador, nenhum clamor, glória nenhuma, vontade nenhuma de vitória ou o medo absoluto da derrota, uma atmosfera doentia de cepticismo, pouca fé no próprio direito, e ainda menos no de seu adversário. Se é essa a forma do conhecimento final então a vida é um enigma ainda muito maior do que se pensa.
Ela sabia. Ela tinha certeza. Ouvi ela chorando. Ela havia escondido o rosto nas mãos. Tive a impressão que a casa desabaria ainda antes que eu pudesse escapar, que o céu desabaria sobre a minha cabeça. Mas nada aconteceu. Não tive forças pra falar. Teria sido horrível - absolutamente horrível. "

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011


To tell the story of what that did to men
and how they reacted to it, what they thought
and how they felt, how they found themselves empty
in the face of evil, nights of the most profound darkness
finding refuge inside us. Down rivers and jungles, deserts
and dust. To face one's moment of absolute despair, a taste of death
in the afternoon, the loss of all hope. To tell the story
of what was left of them after days spent in gloom, the madness
of giving oneself fully letting it all go. Blood bathed in alcohol,
young lives lost forever in smoke, no time for fear, no time at all.
To tell the story of how we've always felt, how we've always known
that the sun came up, and then went down, just to come up again.
It was life and death, and that's what it has always been.
To face oneself naked in the worst of times, dreams and fears and desires,
to find your own, good and evil, to give up and be reborn,
never forgetting.

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

Um Álamo
by William Faulkner
(tradução minha)

Por que você treme aí
Entre o rio branco e a estrada?
Frio não sente,
Com a luz do sol sonhando contigo;
E ainda assim você ergue os braços elásticos e suplicantes como que
Para trazer as nuvens do céu para esconder a tua magreza.

Você é uma garota jovem
Tremendo com os espasmos de uma modéstia em êxtase,
Uma garota branca e objetiva
Cujas roupas foram arrancadas à força.


it is not that I am what I am

but I played this part for way

too long,

I am what I taught myself to be,

what I believed I was

and still believe I am;

the only way I know, really.

I learned to accept

what I learned to believe in

and I became just that -

no more than

a dream of a life.

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011


the day's that warm and humid
one can't help but hear
oneself thinking -
like delirium
or a fever under water;

" kid's dead ", he says.
" died at about 7:30 this morning mate. "

but the truck still gotta be loaded
and then unloaded afterwards, knowing,
that nothing's as real as losing.

there's gonna be a funeral
tomorrow or the next day, or maybe friday,
The Burial of the Dead;
we're all gonna be wearing black suits,
smoking cigarettes and telling each other
how sad it all is
and how life just goes on -

our last goodbye,
nothing there left to be done.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Lost in Longing

even a tired body doesn't know sleep
when the mind, aware and awake, disturbs
hands and arms and legs. what's there to be thought
in days like days like these, warm, the air so
heavy and humid one can barely breathe
without feeling the head pulse and veins beating away,
drum-like, a day-time trance. you got sweat
pouring off your forehead, ideas and memories,
notions of a lost, long forgotten world. the streets are not
what they used to be anymore, and people
no longer care for other people -
barely noticing we all share one single, common fate,
the same destiny since the earth is earth,
solid ground covered in dust, days to live
reaching closer to death, and the leaving of all things behind,
the long lost goodbye. November days, as I ask
myself what makes time now other than waiting to be past.
age of concrete. god was dead a long time ago, now men
can no longer believe in men either, alone, half the story
left untold, that yes we're individuals but as humans
we are just the one, single idea that we can endure,
suffer and wish to die, and love, and feel the rain like
no one ever felt before, redemption and resurrection,
the glory of losing everything
and still have a reason to live.

onde haviam morado
(poema traduzido de Raymond Carver)

em todos os lugares que passou aquele dia ele andou
no seu próprio passado. atirado sobre pilhas
de lembranças. viu através de janelas
que já não lhe pertenciam mais.
trabalho e pobreza e pouco trocado.
naqueles dias haviam vivido por vontade,
determinados a jamais serem vencidos.
nada poderia pará-los. não
pelo mais longo instante.

no quarto de motel
aquela noite, nas horas primeiras da manhã,
quando abriu a cortina. viu nuvens
amontoadas ao redor da lua. se aproximou
do vidro. um sopro frio de ar passou
através e colocou a mão sobre o seu coração.
eu te amei, ele pensou.
te amei bem.
antes de não te amar mais.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

Haverá Tempo.

"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown."

- T.S.Eliot

foi que o rio subiu demais
e em questão de hora ou outra
foi tomar conta do que era terra.

foi que o que era rua virou rota,
leito de rio corrente,
uma angústia de água doce
que só descansa no mar.

porque eu também pude 
medir a vida em colheres de café
e retratos de janelas de ônibus.

foi que as árvores no outono
e a passagem dos meses e o fim do ano,
o fim do mundo...

dar chance de a chance ser
ou a dúvida, e o talvez de pouco tempo,
um tanto tarde, não baste pra nascer.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011


it is midnight
but there's still people on the bus,
in pairs, groups, talking, laughing -

while she rides alone, in silence.
she probably feels like crying, and she
does try, but not a tear drops down.
people dry up too, just like dead grass.

the same train goes through the same
station, the same motions, the
opening and closing of doors, the sound
of the pressure of the air.

she walks the same streets,
but at night, nobody around now,
nothing but a full mind
and the heavy weight of being, breathing sometimes.

the way home again. another city, country,
another continent. she barely looks at the sky.
it is dark, and it's saturday, and quiet
and capable of nothing -
I have to watch her go away.

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

Me recuso a aceitar o fim do homem.
Acredito que ele não só sobreviverá
mas que ele há de prevalecer. Imortal,
não porque ele sozinho, dentre todas as criaturas,
possuí voz inextinguível, mas porque possuí alma,
um espírito capaz de compaixão, sacrifício
e acima de tudo de resistir. O dever do poeta, do
escritor, é o de escrever sobre isso.
É seu privilégio fazer com que o homem possa resistir
elevando o seu coração, lembrando-o de sua coragem
e sua honra e esperança e seu orgulho e
compaixão e piedade e sacrifício,
marcas de toda glória de seu passado.
A voz do poeta deve ser mais que um testemunho,
deve ser um pilar, uma única última estrutura
que ajude o homem a resistir a qualquer custo
e enfim prevalecer, eterno.

William Faulkner

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011

When it's still not time

the middle of town when still dark
but not night anymore. Saturday began
and it's still too cold early in the morning
as he goes up the stairs,
the station as the only place warm enough to read.
That is so so he does not really wake up
and dreams long lost in sleep are fetched back,
brought to reality under new light,
eyes not yet that clouded by the feel
of life passing.
He knows there's people living
in hospitals, suitcases all over the floor,
take-away food
and that even children are waiting to die;
they kill a man and ask us to forget there was ever a war.
But ten years are gone now
and nothing brings anything back. Not now,
not anymore. Then the phone rings
and everything stops -- it is 7:20, time
to wake up! says the machine as he
stands up trying desperately not to think
about anything now, finally and almost sadly
awake for the world.

This Morning
(poema traduzido de Raymond Carver)

Por um minuto ou dois
tornaram-se nebulosos os usuais devaneios
sobre o que era certo,
e o que era errado -- dever,
doces lembranças, pensamentos de morte, como eu deveria
tratar minha ex-mulher. Todas as coisas
que eu esperava que desaparecessem essa manhã.
Coisas com as quais vivo todos os dias. O que
eu passei por cima pra permanecer vivo.
Mas por um ou dois minutos esquecí sim
meu próprio eu e o resto todo. Eu sei que sim.
Pois quando voltei
não sabia onde estava. Até que alguns pássaros alçaram voo
acima das árvores. E se foram
na direção que eu necessitava ir.

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

(poema traduzido de Raymond Carver)

Acordei cedo esta manhã e de minha cama
lancei o olhar distante sobre o Canal e vi
um pequeno barco cruzando as águas agitadas,
uma só luz de navegação. Lembrei
de meu amigo que costumava gritar
o nome da esposa morta do topo do morro
ao redor de Perugia. Que colocou um prato
pra ela em sua simples mesa muito tempo
depois que ela se foi. E abriu as janelas
pra que ela respirasse o ar puro. Tais coisas
que me sentia embarassado. Assim como
outros amigos. Eu não conseguia ver.
Não até essa manhã.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

The day the sun looked sad over the bridge.

" I answered the phone and became quiet.
A few seconds later I felt life leaving me behind,
every drop of every death becoming larger,
harder, every smile I had ever seen suddenly
disappearing, vanishing, abandoning my soul for good,
leaving no trace of any hope. The illness
was back. Spread through the hole body, each
and every little bone condemned. Just a kid.
Two years old, no clear words and nothing but
strength and happiness. Now he's got two months
to live. And I'm the one that feels like giving up.
Too weak for this world I am, too weak...
When have I earned any right to live? God.
I think of god and I pray for mercy, forgiveness,
salvation. I think of my dear friend, the kid's
father, and I just wanna hold him tight
through the darkness of this times. And I
feel like I'm losing the ground and every last
breath of love for a world bound to nothing
but dust, dry tears in lonely unforgiving nights.
People call all this life but I just don't know
what else to call it anymore. Nothing makes any
sense when you don't have any faith and I
believe I lost that a long time ago. Restless
I keep on searching for that glimpse of the eyes
suddenly appearing out of shadow, a touch
of the palm of your hand, to hear your heart
reassuring me, for once, that everything
will be okay. "

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

English Literature

As I walk up the long hill heading home,
sweating under the midday sun,
I see a girl seating cross-legged upon the grass
near a tree, an empty coffee mug beside her.

She not even once looks up;
all I can see is her black silky hair
on top of her head, facing down,
her eyes lost among words and pages of a book.

George Orwell's 1984.

For a second I believe I try to mutter something
but nothing comes out of it
just pure silence,
the mutual understanding that we, both,
suffer from the same illness,

senseless reaching for something to grab,
something to hold us beneath the surface
of a world we can no longer touch.