segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

To Walk Those Streets Again

That night, sitting in that wooden table,
I just wanted to tell them that I had
found and lost what no one else seemed
to be looking for any longer: That love;

even I
had given up before, many times more
than I cared to remember.

I remembered yet another night too,
many months before, riding the 373 bus
back from the city, alone in the front seat
around 4am considering shooting myself in the head
but knowing all the way that the saddest thing of all was
that I actually did not own a gun of any sort.
I felt like crying desperate tears
like I'd never felt in all these years.

It would have been good
if I could have met myself that night, in the bus,
to tell my own self what I could not say the other night,
sitting in the wooden table:
that time would change, as it does,
and that I was not to find only sorrow
but also in us, my only chances of tomorrow.

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