quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012


You wish for sleep: strip yourself of sounds
' Tu queres sono: despete-te dos ruídos ' 

You wish for sleep: strip yourself of sounds, and
of the remains of the day, take out of your mouth
the dagger and the traffic, shadows of
your shouts, and clothes, tears, ropes and
also faces that mount over your
sonorous way of giving, and other bodies
that lay down and step on one another, and the flies
that hover over the corpse of your father, and the pain (do not listen)
that gets ready to hoe your night-watch, and the corners that
forgot your arms and so many movements
that lose your silences, and the high winds
that do not rest, that look at you out of the window
and penetrate through your door like madmen
for nothing abandons you nor you yourself to sleep.

- Ana Cristina Cesar

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