quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

But it was not in the news

these were days when people
could hardly see any future;
they would walk the streets pretending
that they too, would live forever
and that each and every day did not matter.

these were times when people talked about
the end of the world, about we all living the eve
of a third world war; humanity against a button,
heart against clouds of radioactive smoke,
flesh, blood spilled against solid steel.

but no one wants to hear that; it is christmas time
while troops of soldiers are flying to Iran
and a gunman hits six on the spot, 129 wounded
in the city centre of Brussels; death and war all
over the world, I hear a friend read from his phone.

these were times when people thought about
giving all up and running away, but it seems like
they could not, they could not remember
where it all went wrong, they could not let all
these great new things go; and so they stayed, believing that
in the worst case money would have to save.

but it did not, and out in the streets
all we could see was desert, the sun shining over
an immensity of dead land; you could hear the sound of fire
and the cracking of explosions
and somewhere in the distance
you would see men fighting each other with stones and sticks,
like Einstein predicted,
and eventually killing with their bare hands.

there's always tomorrow, I remember they used to say,
hoping that time too, would have a stop, like
business and money, like the movement
in all the fish and chips shops, the old Chinese women
trying to smile the fear of poverty and misery away.

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