quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Goodbye Now,

the eyes hurt
from staring at the same screen
for just way too long,

too long that you've been gone too
and the head aches
from lack of rest,

the missing split of time
when thoughts aren't born
and ideas
do not become walls

just too hard to believe in
like never again,
a last time
lost forever.

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

City Gettin' Dark

behind the skyscrapers
through thick glass
as the train moves on
over bridges of stone
and the sea stays still
reflecting the sun.

it is a dying sun
as another day goes by
silently leaving behind
faces with no smile
and eyes searching eyes 

for hope, for they find none.

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

Loneliness and Rainy Nights

he closed his eyes but could not fall asleep
everytime thinking that he should stop thinking
so that he could go to sleep and get at least
maybe 5 or 6 hours so he could go to work
the next day but thoughts, flashes like pictures
in the back of the head
and memories he could not put away for good,

like changing sides like unrest, like
not being able to forget that there's an end to
everything. he could hear the door when he
realised he was still awake,
mouth dry like something left behind in dust,
something that doesn't belong anymore.

he thought about that too, and how
one day you could have most things
and not care much about any of it
and even take love for granted, someone to talk to
durin' the worst of nights,
nothing but the feeling that you'd never grow old,
never lose and never fail
and that you'd always keep your mind straight
no matter what.

but even that changes too, he thought,
and he felt like missing something he couldn't recall what.
he felt tired of many lives lived, like life
being a long and so familiar road, like the way home
from the gas station a long time ago,
and yet he was too proud to even think
of letting it go. like something too dear
to ever have to say goodbye to.

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Staring and Remembering

I look at his image for hope.
I look at his image for no answers,
no explanations at all.

holding a can of beer in a train station

near the hamburger joint and the W.C.

to believe there is a time for everything,
a split of a second needed in destiny,
something bound to happen.

to have words turned into music,
a song out of a page, footsteps, a door

opening and someone leaving,
walking streets at night again.

quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2011

(de Rilke, traduzido.)

Um deus pode. Mas me diga, como pode um homem
seguir seu caminho estreito através das cordas?
Um homem é partido. E onde duas ruas se cruzam
no interior de cada um, ninguém construiu templo qualquer.

escrever poesia da forma que aprendemos de ti não é desejo,
não querer algo que jamais se pode ter.
escrever poesia é estar vivo. Para um deus isso é fácil.
Quando, porém, estamos de fato vivos? E quando é que ele

troca a terra e as estrelas de lugar?
Sim, tu és jovem, e tu amas, e a voz
te obriga a abrir a boca——ótimo, mas aprenda

a esquecer de transformar isso em verso. Não dura,
verso de verdade é um movimento diferente no ar.
Ar se movendo ao redor de nada. Um suspiro de um deus. Um vento.

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

For a Place in Time

days and nights of doubt
about what to dream
or to believe in.

writing, the love for hope
to hope for something more,
a continual flow of the senses,
feelings and thoughts.

so read,read,read and read on
and work and work and work
harder everytime.

remember Faulkner,
and keep those words close
to the heart
to never give up.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

This Morning
(de Charles Simic, traduzido.)

Entre sem bater, inseto trabalhador.
me encontro aqui refletindo
sobre o que fazer nesse dia escuro e nublado.
Foi uma noite de rádio ligado mas baixo,
de um sono sóbrio, vago, sonhos perturbados.
acordei confuso e doente de amor.
Tive a impressão de ouvir Estella cantar no jardim
e certo pássaro responder,
mas era apenas a chuva. Os topos escuros das árvores
tremendo, murmurando. "Pode vir meu bem,"
eu disse. E assim ela veio,
com cheiro de menta na boca, sua língua
umedecendo meu rosto, quando ela então desapareceu.
O dia chegou devagar, um raio cinza de luz
pra lavar a cara e as mãos.
Horas se passaram, até que você se arrastou
por baixo da porta, e parou diante de mim.
Você também se veste de luto,
Dona Formiga. Eu gosto do silêncio entre a gente,
o quieto - aquele estado divino
que até a chuva reconhece. Ouça ela começando a cair,
como se tivesse os olhos fechados,
silenciando cada gota em seu coração selvagem.

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Things, silence and Rilke.

As I stepped in the truck and closed the door behind me
I looked at the street
and I saw a man standing there.
He was an old Chinese man, short and skinny,
and it looked like he was carrying something on his back.
He had somehow managed to attach a rubbish bin using
some sort of a rope.
He also carried a red hula hoop around his waist.
As he walked he kept looking at the ground
and he had a tired look on his face
like a train
that had been running for way too long.
I have heard that the man walks every morning to Chinatown
where he spends his days performing some sort of a show. But I read hope in his eyes too,
some sort of hope for a way out, a break,
a single minute to breathe.

At that moment I felt I had it easy.

Life could be very hard when you were not showing clean white teeth on TV.
But you could still see mansions being built alongside the sea,
and you could still hear senators proving that even words could have no meaning,
piles of money but no love, no peace and no heart.

I thought about all that later on
on my way back home sitting on a bus packed with people
going home from another day's work, another chance
to stare through so familiar windows, like looking at
old pictures we got tired of looking at,
the late night outside announcing that we had lost it again.
No words were necessary,
we all had the same look in our eyes, like sardines gasping desperately for air,
like something with less and less feeling every time.

I was reading Rilke and I kept reading regardless,
going through the pages like a desperate man in need of forgiveness,
a man about to die hoping for three more minutes.

domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011

The Power and the Glory

There was silence all around him.
That place was very much like the world:
overcrowded with lust and crime
and unhappy love.

It stank of heaven.

But he realized that after all
it was possible to find peace there
if you knew for certain
that the time was short.

The lightning shot down over the harbor
and the thunder beat upon the roof.

That was the atmosphere
of a whole state—the storm outside
and the talk just going on—terms like
'mystery' and 'soul' and 'the source of life'
came up over and over again
as they sat on the bed talking
with nothing to do and
nothing to believe and 
nowhere to go.

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011


it gets very tricky when you try to think
about W.B Yeats and poetry durin' the 30's
while encapsulated by vibrating ends
of metal and yellowed plastic stopped still
in front of a red light.

the fumes of the engine are no longer industrial revolution
and the explosion of bombs no longer progress
so how did the post-war period influenced
the future of lines and words
and changed writing forever...

while this bus keeps moving forward
through our own time's graveyard;
a wasteland of garbage we no longer need,
televisions and scattered papers, bed-frames,
empty pot-plants and old vacuum-cleaners.

Bukowski said people look like flowers at last
but today, walking down these streets,
we all still look a lot more like broken glass,
like the heat when it hangs in the air,
like the urge to forget.

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011

The Mad Square

I stare at a blank page thinking of names,
promising myself that I will never write
just for writing
and that I'll never use a word
to describe an empty space.

Robinson Jeffers,

someone asked for directions to Goulburn Street but I couldn't answer.

too many names in my head I guess,
too many pictures of desperation, hunger, war, prostitution and
persecution, disease and power and propaganda.
The Mad Square.

this poem exists for one reason only,
a humble tune for brave people in mad times

when the last of us lost all humanity, every dime and every meal
but not hope
or the strength to fill our lungs
and scream.

At Joan's

são quase três horas
e eu me apoio no topo de mármore da mesa
organizando poemas, miserável
a pequena lâmpada que quase não brilha
enquanto eu não brilho nada

eu tomo outro conhaque
e olho dois pequenos quadros
de Jean Paul, tão grande
eu preciso fazer tanto
ou eles apenas acontecem

a brisa é fresca
quase som algum é filtrado
através desses olhos cansados
sozinho por mim mesmo
não consigo encontrar um só poema de verdade

e se não acontecer comigo
então o que farei

(Poema traduzido de Frank O'Hara)

domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011

To Have and Have Not.

alguns fizeram a longa queda
da janela do apartamento ou escritório;
alguns tomaram quietos, em silêncio,
em uma garagem de dois carros com um motor ligado;
alguns usaram a tradição de uma Colt ou de uma Smith and Wesson;
aqueles tão bem desenvolvidos implementos
que acabam com a insônia, terminam remorso, curam câncer,
salvam da falência e acabam com as repetidas músicas na cabeça
explodindo uma saída de posições intoleráveis através da pressão de um dedo;
admiráveis instrumentos americanos tão facilmente portáteis,
carregados de efeito, tão bem desenhados pra terminar
o sonho americano quando se torna pesadelo.

(Ernest Hemingway, trecho traduzido.)