terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012

And Thus Honest

It wasn't for money
or any kind of applause.

It wasn't for the sake of art since still today
most people that state to know about
donnot see as such.

It wasn't comfortable
since he would sit behind the typewriter among cheap cigar butts
while staring at cockroaches crawling up the wall.

It wasn't even nice since
he could turn on the radio and get Verdi
instead of Mahler. He liked Austrians better.

It wasn't even virtuous
since his room would always smell 
of stale vomit sitting around for days
or eggs cooked dry
if he was lucky enough to have a woman
but never butter.

It surely wasn't poetic since
he would have a hangover the size of an elephant
on top of his head.

It was just habit, he said.
Like taking a shit
or reading the newspaper.

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