sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012

Pathetic Poem
(poema traduzido)

What is this noise on the stairs?
It's love that is dissolving,
it's the man that closed the door
and hanged himself on the curtain.

What is this noise on the stairs?
It's Guiomar who has covered his eyes
and blew his nose like a thunder.
It's the still moon over the plates
and the metals that shine in the pantry.

What is this noise on the stairs?
It's the tap dripping water,
it's the imperceptible lamentation
of one who lost in gambling
while the music orchestra
goes on lowering, lowering the pitch.

What is this noise on the stairs?
It's the virgin with a trombone,
the little child with a tambour,
the bishop with a hand bell
and someone damping the murmur
that leaps from my heart.

- Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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